The SOFT CONTROL: Art, Science and the Technological Unconscious exhibition reveals to us today’s “technological unconscious”, which encompasses mythological imagination, apocalyptic visions and utopian dreams. SOFT CONTROL shows how the language and ideas of our modern post-biological society are capable of altering and reconfiguring the boundaries of our reality and our very identities. By focusing our attention on works of art created using the latest 21st century media – robotics, IT, biomedicine and nanotechnology – the artists featured in this exhibition attempt to reveal the sources of the modern technological myth, which insists on the permanent value of efficiency, control, unrestrained technological development and economic expansion.
SOFT CONTROL: Art, Science and the Technological Unconscious
International art exhibition, conference, workshops, lectures
November 14–December 15, 2012
Curated by Dmitry Bulatov (RU)
Artists in exhibition:
Marina Abramović (RS/US) with Suzanne Dikker and Matthias Oostrik (NL) / James Auger and Jimmy Loizeau (UK) / Tuur Van Balen (BE) / Brandon Ballengee (US) / Guy Ben-Ary and Kirsten Hudson (AU) / Boredomresearch: Vicky Isley and Paul Smith (UK) / David Bowen (US) / Ursula Damm (DE) / Joe Davis (US) / Louis-Philippe Demers (SG) / Stefan Doepner and Lars Vaupel (SI/DE) / Arthur Elsenaar and Remko Scha (NL) / Andrew Gracie (UK/ES) / Floris Kaayk (NL) / Kuda begut sobaki (RU) / Seiko Mikami (JP) / Neurotica (AU-US) / Leo Peschta (AT) / Maja Smrekar (SI) / Stelarc (AU) / The Tissue Culture & Art Project: Oron Catts and Ionat Zurr (AU) / Polona Tratnik (SI) / Bill Vorn (CA).
Koroška galerija likovnih umetnosti (KGLU)
Glavni trg 24
2380 Slovenj Gradec
phone: +386 2 88 22 131 or +386 2 88 41 283
fax: +386 22 130
e-mail: galerija@glu-sg.si
Valvazorjeva 40
2000 Maribor
Ulica kneza Koclja 9
2000 Maribor
phone: +386 59 076 371, –377
e-mail: kibla@kibla.org
Concept for the exhibition, conference and the educational program is developed by Dmitry Bulatov, 2011.
Dmitry Bulatov is an artist, curator and art theorist. His research focuses on different aspects of interdisciplinary art media (sci-art, techno-biological arts, etc.), as well as on submediality aesthetics. He has curated about more than twenty major international exhibitions and publishing projects in Russia and abroad. Since 1998 Bulatov is the senior curator at the Baltic Branch of the National Centre for Contemporary Arts (Russia).
Exibition is part of the project Soft Control produced by KGLU – Koroška galerija likovnih umetnosti (Slovenj Gradec, Slovenia) and Association for Culture and Education KIBLA (Maribor, Slovenia), with the participation by The National Centre for Contemporary Arts (Kaliningrad, Russia).
With the support of the programme Culture of the European Union. In coproduction with Maribor2012 – European Capital of Culture.