From The Cabinet of Curiosity to Days of Wonder, for the last 200 years, public appreciation and understanding of art, technology and science has transformed from a closed circle to an open field. ROBOTS AND AVATARS – OUR COLLEAGUES AND [...]
ROBOTS AND AVATARS – OUR COLLEAGUES AND PLAYMATES OF THE FUTURE MMC KIBLA, Maribor, Slovenia October 2–4, 2012 Workshop: Visions of Our Communal Dreams Mentors: Michael Takeo Magruder and Drew Baker Date: from 2nd till 4th of October 2012, from [...]
ROBOTS AND AVATARS – OUR COLLEAGUES AND PLAYMATES OF THE FUTURE Workshop: Klackerlaken Mentor: Mey Lean Kronemann Date: 6th of October 2012, from 4 pm till 6 pm Venue: MMC KIBLA, Ulica kneza Koclja 9, Maribor, Slovenia Workshop concept The [...]