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BikeKitchen, Ebli (AT)

Bike Kitchen + {mobile screen printing-sewing-workshop} BikeKitchen Linz is a non-profit D.I.Y. bike-workshop organized by an open collective. People can use the infrastructure to repair, construct, or destroy their bikes; work, cook, connect, support, drink, eat, participate, etc. together.
BikeKitchen has open prices > people can donate however much they want for everything. The donations will be used for tools, spare parts, rent for the existence of the project. It’s a space for all people to feel free, so racism, sexism, violent and repressions are not tolerated. Important Keywords: collective, plenum, consensus, critical mass, DIY, solidarity, stencil, dumpster, literature, archive, bike-fetishism, bike-art, bike-fun, bike-kill, jousting, bike polo, night rides, demo performance, actions, screen printing, workshops, excursions, caravans, making and watching videos, collecting scrap, concerts, experiments of any kind.
{MobilWohn-Siebdruck-Nähwerkstatt} is a similar Project as BK, but instead of bikes you can do screen printing and sewing.
During KIBLIX festival, Bike Kitchen would have their mobile workshop around the town of Maribor.
