Intermedia research community

(Cameron Bobro, Bojan Gagič, Miodrag Gladović, Marko Ornik, Žiga Dobnikar, Tanja Grosman, Simon Sedmak)

On one hand, a large part of contemporary intermedia production turns increasingly towards the microcosm of cells and genetics, and on the other to the macrocosm of nature, social networks and the impacts of modern technology on the functioning of society. The intermedia research community (IRC) diverts from these trends and turns back to the basic. To the senses, which allow us to consume the impulses from our environments in the first place. The introduction to the IRC will take the form of a public debate, focused on the relation between sound and light and the phenomena occurring at their intersection. Following the debate is a open-to-the-public research stage, in the form of hands-on workshops and casual practice-related discussions. The main goal of this stage is for project participants, together with the interested public, to create and find the best possible technical solutions for a simultaneous joining of the discussed sonic and light phenomena, thus bringing the scientific and artistic methodology closer to the public during the course of their work. The central part of the IRC will be the setting-up of a complex intermedia installation, in which the sonic and visual components will be seamlessly joined together and presented to the public in the form of an audiovisual performance.