10. 10. 2014, 19.00, KIBLA PORTAL




Dragan Živadinov studied theatrical direction at the Academy of Music, Radio, Television and Film in Ljubljana from 1980 – 1984. He was a cofounder of the art movement NSK in 1985. During the ’80s he constructed the style »retro-gardism«. In 1983 he founded the retro-garde Theatre of Scipio Nasica’s Sisters and in 1987 the cosmokinetic observatory Red Pilot. In the early ’90s he transformed Red Pilot into the Noordung Cosmokinetic Cabinet. In 1995 he embarked on the 50-year theatrical process Noordung 1995-2045, through the style of »telecosmism.« In 1998 he became a candidate cosmonaut, and in 1999 realized Biomechanics Noordung, the first complete theatre production in zero-gravity conditions. Since 2000, he has been constructing post-gravitational theatrical abstracts, and in 2005, he staged the first reprise of Noordung 1995-2045. The second reprise will take place in 2015.

Dunja Zupančič graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Ljubljana in 1987. During the ‘80s, using processes involving the montage of abstract textures and the construction of composites, she produced pictures of monumental size. During the ‘90s, using the engineering of pneumatic and hydraulic elements, she constructed mechatronic abstracts and art satellites (umbots). On December 15, 1999, she visualized and materialized Biomechanics Noordung, the first complete theatrical production performed in conditions of zero-gravity. Since 2000, she has begun to functionalize mehatronic abstracts.

Miha Turšič studied industrial design at the Academy of Fine Arts in Ljubljana from 1994 – 1999. He began his professional career as a digital visualizations designer at the digital production house ARXEL TRIBE.
In 1998, he co-founded the design company ASOBI. Since 2005, he has directed his research towards the design of zero-gravity environments. In 2006, the international design magazine I.D. proclaimed ASOBI designers of the year in the Lighting category; and he constructed a memorial centre in Vitanje dedicated to the pioneer of space technology, Herman Potočnik Noordung. His products combine design with cosmistic structures in conditions of zero-gravity. Miha Turšič collaborates with the Yuri Gagarin Cosmonauts Training Centre in Russia and is the acting director of KSEVT.

Dario Seraval was a member of the FV122/15 theatre and one of the founding members of the legendary new wave group Borghesia. After Borghesia he was a journalist, he was coordinating peace movements, worked at the  Scientific and Publishing Center (Sophia publishing house) and is employed by the City of Ljubljana. He returned to the music scene in 2009 and soon began to author theatre music.

MG ::. 19.4.2011