Matej Kupljen
Ultra d.o.o.

Organisatorof the festival is
Multimedijski center Kibla, Maribor



Matej Kupljen se je rodil 30.7.1973 v Slovenj Gradcu. Osnovno šolo je obiskoval na Prevaljah. Po končani osnovni šoli je obiskoval srednjo elektro šolo v Velenju, smer elektrotehnik-elektronik. Nadaljeval je s študijem na Univerzi v Mariboru, Fakulteti za elektrotehniko,
računalništvo in informatiko, kjer je leta 1997 tudi uspešno diplomiral na smeri elektrotehnika avtomatika. S podiplomskim študijem je nadaljeval na isti fakulteti, kjer je leta 2000 tudi uspešno magistriral iz iste smeri. Trenutno je zaposlen v podjetju Ultra d.o.o., kjer se ukvarja predvsem z razvojem vgrajenih (embedded) naprav in prenosu operacijskega sistema Linux na te naprave.


New product Bird2 will be built on embedded PC with Intel PXA255 processor with operating system Linux. This will, in the first place, reduce the price of the final product (because of the payable licences and embedded PC) and at the same time enable us to use the same platform also for other products, such as TalkTrack - system for tracking, communication and directing vehicles. This way, we only change applications while the platform remains the same.

The lecture will introduce the next generation of a project Bird2. Project's aim is the control of GSM base stations and radio and television transmitters. Momentary platform is built on an industrial PC with PharLab operating system, for which it is necessary to pay the basic licence as well as run-time license.

  Design : ZRCALO d.o.o.      Copyright KIBLIX 2003